Join us on Friday, September 20 at 10:00 am for a bike ride on the Heritage and Wiouwash trails in Oshkosh. The ride will start at Rainbow Park on the bank of the Fox River just off Highway 41. We'll go through the nice paved trail through the Oshkosh corporation campus (it's not on any maps), then connect to the Heritage trail that goes across Lake Butte des Morts on the new Highway 41 bridge.
It's a completely separate trail from the road with several displays about the native American tribes of Wisconsin. Like many of us, I drove across the bridge many times and never noticed the bike trail there. The trail then goes along the shore of the lake, then turns north through some marshy areas. No trail pass is required.
The Wiouwash State Trail is named for Winnebago, Outagamie, Waupaca and Shawano counties. This trail, built on a former rail corridor, is maintained and operated by the four counties the trail traverses. The Wiouwash trail starts out paved, but changes to smooth gravel after a mile or so. The first 5 miles are paved--then it turns to very smooth gravel.
It's an out and back ride so it could be anything from 10 miles to 48 miles if you went all the way to Hortonville and back. You should be able to see a lot of birds along the way. Call Mike Dix 414-630-4354 with any questions.
The Nordic Ski Club of Milwaukee (NSCM) continues to practice social distancing and the use of face masks, as recommended by the CDC and Wisconsin authorities. Know that your participation in any event is at your own risk. Before attending any NSCM outing or event, please check with the event leader. Use good judgement and continue to keep us all safe.
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